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Disclaimer: The information in this post is for educational purposes only. I am not a doctor. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. None of the opinions are meant to diagnose or treat any disease or illness. You should always consult your healthcare provider.


I remember thinking, as I held my oldest son in my arms for the first time, that a Mom is born with each baby who comes into this world. I had decided to breastfeed from the start of my pregnancy, so I had spent months researching and preparing for that moment. My son and I started a beautiful breastfeeding relationship that day, and I started my journey as a mother!


We have added another little man to the mix, and nursing him has been just as fulfilling and wonderful as it was the first time around. I’m in the trenches of nursing right now with my seven-month old, and I’m grateful for the experience I have to help guide me through this time of teething, fussiness, distraction, and need.

Fortunately for our family, I am able to stay home with our children and care for them each day. My husband works very hard so that can happen, and we are ever-so-grateful! I am happy to be able to comfort every boo-boo and offer lots of hugs each day. My preschooler and I enjoy playing outside together, exploring local parks, zoos, and other places of interest to keep us learning each day. Baby Brother keeps Big Brother entertained with his ever-developing skills. The first year is such an amazing time for a baby, and I am grateful to be able to experience all of those moments!

My husband has been a tremendous supporter of my breastfeeding journey, and he really appreciates the time I’ve spent nursing our babies. Having a supportive partner has made the tough days bearable and the easy days even sweeter!


You can follow me on Pinterest and check out my personal blog, Hiccups and Heels, for more tidbits about me, such as my love of all things breastfeeding, babywearing, and blogging.