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Sarah McKelvyI want to be an encouragement to other mothers who are breastfeeding; there have been times where both of my children that they have received formula. I did not seek for them to receive it, but it’s how it worked out.

I breastfed my daughter for 23 months before she self weaned. During that time, we had ups and downs-mastitis, cracked nipple, pumping for working PRN at a hospital-and during the harder times, I received encouragement from friends, family, and reading different blogs. Overall my breastfeeding experience was a good one.

I now have a newborn; today, he’s 13 days old. We’ve already had our ups and downs, including an ER trip because he hadn’t peed in over 24 hours. It turns out he was not getting enough breastmilk, so the next 2-3 days were long. Breastfeeding often, lots of skin to skin, letting my son use me as a “pacifier”, etc. Thankfully, he has not had any more formula in over a week. Recently my son has been cluster nursing and some family ask, “Is this normal?” They also question, “Is he getting enough?” I respond to both, “Yes, it’s normal, and yes, he’s peeing and pooping adequately.” I know other moms get similar questions from family members, friends, and sometimes themselves.

I want to give other moms the same support that I have had in the past and currently.