You're having multiples! Twins? Triplets? More? You're excited...or maybe you're terrified? I was the latter when that 10 week ultrasound showed two little bean-shaped babies on the screen. Two babies? What in the world would I do with two babies? I had two older boys. How would I manage to take care of them and two babies? That wasn't what I was bargaining for. How could I keep up? How could I nurse? I want to share with you some knowledge I think every pregnant mom of multiples should know about establishing a great breastfeeding relationship with her babies once they arrive! 1. NICU and Time away from Mom If you are having two or … [Read more...]
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Disclaimer: The information in this post is for educational purposes only. I am not a doctor. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. None of the opinions are meant to diagnose or treat any disease or illness. You should always consult your healthcare provider.
Breastfeeding Your Hospitalized Baby
Most expectant moms imagine a few days relaxing in the hospital with their newborn after delivery. They don't expect having to hospitalize their baby for any reason. I certainly didn't. It's a challenge to establish the breastfeeding relationship under normal circumstances! But breastfeeding your hospitalized baby is a whole other experience. Fortunately, with determination, patience, and the right help and knowledge, it can be done! Breastfeeding your hospitalized baby: making the best of a less-than-ideal situation It was not what I imagined at all, but a NICU visit was necessary for our daughter shortly after she was born. We were … [Read more...]
Can Breastfeeding Cause Eczema?
Babies encounter all kinds of minor problems outside the womb: diaper rash, stuffy noses, and cradle cap, just to name a few. Their bodies take some time to adjust to "life on the outside", and that transition can be challenging. One of the more common problems for newborns is eczema. Can Breastfeeding Cause Eczema? Eczema is a red, itchy rash that is often seen in patches. It can be scaly in appearance or even blister when it is severe. Anyone can have eczema, not just babies, although it is common to see it in babies and young children. Eczema is not contagious or life threatening, but it can absolutely be a nuisance and can … [Read more...]
The Benefits of Using a Breastfeeding Chair
If you're an expectant mama planning to breastfeed, chances are you are considering adding a breastfeeding chair to your nursery. My own mother was horrified when I told her that we planned to spend a 200 dollars on a comfy rocking chair for me to breastfeed in. Our baby budget was small, we already had a grand total of four wooden rocking chairs in our small home, and weren't there more important things to buy? As it turned out, that breastfeeding chair has been one of our favorite purchases. I'm sure you'd appreciate yours as well! Why a Breastfeeding Chair? Nursing a newborn takes time. A lot of time. Having a comfortable place to … [Read more...]
Is Weaning Breastfeeding Pain Normal?
Weaning breastfeeding pain is normal, varied among women, and different than typical breastfeeding pain. It's different because the pain is not from feeding your baby but from transitioning her from one source of nutrition to another. The most likely offender of weaning breastfeeding pain is engorgement of the breasts. Many of us enjoyed larger breasts during pregnancy and breastfeeding, the most vibrant and womanly we've been. However, weaning engorgement isn't sexy-- it's just a pain! To avoid this, take weaning slowly. Maintain your child's morning and evening routines of breast milk intake. But select one feeding during the day to not … [Read more...]
When to Begin Breastfeeding? The First 6 Hours
When to begin breastfeeding? It's important to start within the first six hours after birth. The importance of breastfeeding within the first six hours is found within the top four benefits to mom and baby. Welcome to the "Power Hours"! Oxytocin: Your baby is born and placed upon your chest, you take mental pictures of your baby's 10 perfect fingers and 10 perfect toes and real photos too. You say your first "hello" and then offer your breast to your baby. You gift your baby the best start to life they can receive and help release oxytocin within your body too. Oxytocin helps your uterus to continue to contract and funnels breast milk … [Read more...]
Strategies for Breastfeeding a Baby with Food Allergies
While it's not common to find a breastfed baby with food allergies, it can happen! The most common food allergies that a breastfed baby will react to are cow's milk products and soy products. Some babies may also react to wheat or gluten, corn, eggs, or peanuts in mom's diet. Warning Signs that You Have a Baby with Food Allergies The first and most noticeable warning sign of food allergies is fussiness. Unlike colic that usually happens at a consistent time of day (or night!), a baby with food allergies will become fussy immediately after eating. Other things can cause fussiness after eating, like overactive letdown or poor latch. … [Read more...]
Night Weaning: An Alternative Perspective
Has there ever been a mama who longs for the night when her child will wake up more than a dozen times? Has there ever been a mama who relishes spending more than half of her night attached to her thirsty babe? Being a nursing mama is a night and day job. And it is hard work! We all look forward to the time where the whole house gets to sleep through the night. Many moms are told that night weaning, or not allowing babe to nurse until morning, is the solution to long nights. So should you night wean? Will night weaning help baby sleep? Will it help mama sleep? Is it Time for Night Weaning? Our pediatrician told me to night wean … [Read more...]
Medications and Breastfeeding: A Chat with a Lactation Pharmacist
Breastfeeding mamas are daily faced with the daunting task of figuring out how to care for their bodies without harming their nursing little ones. This task makes most medications seemingly off-limits, which can be frustrating. I had the chance to chat with Leslie Southard, a Lactation Pharmacist. Leslie is working to support nursing mothers by providing accurate information about medications and breastfeeding. She helps mamas find nursing-safe options to treat their illnesses. This information is for informational purposes only and is not intended to treat or diagnose any illness or disease. Please talk to your doctor about your … [Read more...]
Weaning Baby Off Breast Milk Before Six Months
Sometimes there are factors outside of one's control that lead to weaning baby off breast milk before six months. It can be disappointing and disheartening. Nothing tops the bond felt while breastfeeding. However, sometimes, a bottle of formula is what's best. There are no hard, fast rules as to how to wean baby off breast milk before six months; however, there are two tried and true ways that have historically worked best. The Top Two Ways of Weaning Baby Off Breast Milk Before Six Months 1. Enlist the help of your spouse or that of a close relative. My body wasn't producing enough breast milk: it was time to wean my second child. … [Read more...]