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How to Find the Best Bottle for a Breastfed Baby

So far, I have breastfed three children over five years. In my experience, finding the best bottle for a breastfed baby has been a process! My first two breastfed babies did not take a bottle at all! There are so many bottles on the market, and you can really spend a lot of money trying to choose the right bottles. 

I do have a few tips to help you find the best bottle for a breastfed baby. I’ll also tell you my absolute favorite bottle for my breastfed baby!

How to find the best bottle for a breastfed baby

How to Find the Best Bottle for a Breastfed Baby

Start with only one or two choices.

I suggest you only buy one or two types of bottles to begin with. As I mentioned, my first two babies completely refused bottles. I was glad that I had not invested a lot of money into bottles because they never took one. Breastfeeding and bottle feeding really are two different ballgames, and some babies are picky.

Choose bottles designed for breastfed babies.

Only use slow flow nipples. If you happen to use a fast flow nipple, your baby will likely choke. I had to wean my last son early, and he still cannot tolerate fast flow nipples. He’s been off the breast for three months! You’ll also want to choose bottles with wider, softer nipples.

My absolute favorite bottle for my breastfed baby is Playtex Ventaire. There are a few different parts, but I found that my baby had no tummy trouble and he could easily latch on to the nipples.

Try, Try, and Try Again

If you have no choice but to give your baby a bottle, you may just have to keep trying. Do not be surprised if your baby flat out refuses the first time you offer a bottle. Here are a few different methods you can implement when trying to transition your baby to a bottle:

  • Try giving the bottle to him with the milk warm.
  • You can try offering the milk at room temp.
  • Let dad feed the baby while you are out of the house.
  • Do not hold your baby in a breastfeeding position when giving a bottle.
  • Do not sit in your usual breastfeeding spot when giving a bottle.
  • If your baby is over six months old, the best bottle for a breastfed baby may not be a bottle at all! You can try giving him a sippy cup to drink from when you are not with him.


Don’t Stress!

With my first two babies, I decided to give up on getting them to take a bottle. I was able to be home with them and nurse on demand. Trying to give them a bottle was more trouble than it was worth. With my last baby, my milk dried up because of my current pregnancy, and my baby was nowhere near old enough to wean. We had to make bottle feeding work. It took a few weeks, but he eventually took to his bottles like a champ.

What is your breastfed baby’s favorite bottle?

Joanie Boeckman is an Army Reserve wife and homeschooling mama to three (soon to be four!) beautiful children. She is passionate about living a simpler life, attachment parenting, homemaking, and homeschooling. You can find her blogging at Simple Living Mama where her mission is to empower women in their roles as homemakers, mothers, and homeschool teachers.

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