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avatarI’m a simple girl living my dream life of being a wife and a mama. I married my high school love at 19 and had my very first baby boy at 20 while finishing college! I desperately wanted to breastfeed him, but breastfeeding seemed so foreign to me. I knew no one who had breastfed their baby! When my son would not latch in the hospital and there was absolutely no lactation consultant on the hospital staff to help me, I gave up.

Two years later my husband and I welcomed our baby girl. I was a different woman. More confident in my ability to mother and more determined than ever, I made certain to deliver at a hospital that had a lactation consultant who could help and encourage me. My daughter latched easily, but I did not expect to end up in so much pain as my body adjusted to its new role. On the verge of quitting again, I remembered my lactation consultant and was able to get in touch with her over the phone. After a day of strictly pumping and using a miracle cream to help me heal, I was able to go on to successfully breastfeed her for two years.

I nursed my daughter until I was eight months pregnant with my third baby. He is now 23 months old and still nursing, and I am expecting baby #4!

I blog about my adventures in motherhood, homemaking, and homeschooling at Simple Living Mama. My goal there is to empower women in their roles as homemakers, mothers, and homeschool teachers. I’m an attachment parent for the most part, and I love to encourage women in their breastfeeding journey. It’s not always easy, but it is worth it!