Please Note: This post may contain sponsor, affiliate, and/or referral links. Read my full disclosure statement. 

Disclaimer: The information in this post is for educational purposes only. I am not a doctor. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. None of the opinions are meant to diagnose or treat any disease or illness. You should always consult your healthcare provider.

Submit a Guest Post

Are you interested in writing a guest post for

We want breastfeeding moms to be educated and encouraged, so come and share your experiences and wisdom!

(Businesses wishing to promote their products should contact us directly rather than submitting a guest post.)

Article Guidelines

All posts submitted for our blog go through an editorial process to correct grammar mistakes, spelling errors, and confusing word choices.

Please follow these guidelines:

  • Be creative, unique, and memorable. Submit your best work to us. We want mamas to enjoy your material, so put your best foot forward.
  • Be conversational. The tone of your post should invite others to respond to you with comments and questions.
  • Include a short bio at the bottom of your article. Include your first and last name and any important biographical information you want our readers to know. Keep your bio to 3 or 4 sentences. Include links to any websites or social media.
  • Include a personal picture. Face shots are usually best. The picture needs to be at least 300px wide.
  • Keep your article to less than 600 words (not including your bio).
  • Give your article a brief but clever title. Ask yourself: What title would make me want to read a post like this? We may re-title your article if another title would suit it better.
  • Format your post to break up your text. Remember: the #1 rule of writing for the web is to be scannable. Stick to shorter paragraphs. Include bullets or numbers where appropriate. Insert headings throughout the text to introduce key thoughts. Use bold text (sparingly) to call out important points.
  • Avoid annoying text choices that make us have to edit your stuff. Don’t use ALL CAPS when emphasizing a point. Use italics instead. Avoid double spaces between sentences. Have you ever seen multiple punctuation marks at the end of a sentence?!? Don’t do that either.
  • Submit only original, previously unpublished material. The article should be your own creation and not published anywhere else online.
  • Do not republish content once it is published on our blog. Feel free to link to your published article or even quote an excerpt, but do not republish the article in full anywhere else online. Search engines tend to rank duplicated material lower, whether it’s the original or the copy.

Article Topics

We suggest writing about one or more of the following topics:

  • Breastfeeding how-tos and tips
  • Weaning a baby
  • Overcoming a specific breastfeeding obstacle
  • Health benefits of breast milk
  • Increasing milk supply
  • Breastfeeding etiquette

Submit Your Post

Posts submitted are not guaranteed to be published. All posts will go through an editorial process.

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