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Exploring the Ingredients in Similac Infant Formula

Were you aware that one of the ingredients in Similac Infant Formula is a pesticide? Most of the ingredients in Similac Infant Formula are not easy to read which makes it difficult to decipher which ones are beneficial or harmful. It is crucial to think about the overall effect that ingredients used to make formula will have on your baby. Not to mention that many of those ingredients are highly processed, man-made, or genetically engineered. Let's explore the ingredients in Similac Infant Formula to determine what is really in this product. Similac Infant Formula - Do Your Research During my pregnancy I didn't think to research about what … [Read more...]

Why is my breastfed baby smaller than formula fed babies?

Women's bodies are amazing when it comes to growing infants. We create tiny human beings within our own bodies, are capable of immeasurable strength to birth them, and we can nourish a growing infant with milk from our own breasts. Our breast milk typically has everything our babies need. Then why is it that a breastfed baby is sometimes smaller than formula fed babies? Why is My Breastfed Baby Smaller than Formula Fed Babies? Normal Weight Loss and Gain Babies lose weight immediately following their birth. They then have ten days to gain that weight back. Weight gain is expected to slowly increase as babies grow. Typically, … [Read more...]

Free Infant Formula Samples

Three days after my daughter was born, I was tired and exhausted. I had been up all night with her the previous two nights and wanted to sleep. I thought, "I wish we had bottles and nipples so my husband could give my daughter formula and I could sleep." Thankfully, I did not ask. Fast-forward to my second pregnancy. When the free infant formula samples arrived, I told my husband, "Hide them. I do not want to know where they are, and you will not get the formula unless absolutely necessary." Even though my breastfeeding relationship with my daughter was not hindered because of the free infant formula samples, I wanted them out of sight and … [Read more...]

Why Does My Breast Milk Taste Bad?

  My breastfeeding story took a turn that I never expected and had never heard of before. It all started the moment that I tasted a drop of my breast milk from a bottle that my daughter had refused to drink. Something was not right, and I was asking myself, "Why does my breast milk taste bad?" Immediately, I started searching for answers online. My mind was racing. Was there something wrong with my freezer? Did all of the milk in my freezer taste like this? What is wrong with my breast milk??? Then I found the answer: I had excess lipase activity in my breast milk, which caused my expressed breast milk to develop a bad taste … [Read more...]

All About Breast Milk Lactose

Breast milk is made up of many different components, all of which have varying benefits for baby. Lactose is an important part of a mother's milk, but what is breast milk lactose, and how is it different than cow's milk lactose? What is Breast Milk Lactose? Lactose is the main carbohydrate in breast milk. It comprises approximately 40% of the calories in your milk. Lactose is useful because it decreases the total unhealthy bacteria in baby's tummy, helping improve the absorption of important minerals, such as magnesium, calcium, and phosphate. It also helps the good bacteria to grow, and it's great for energy and brain … [Read more...]

Can You Buy Breast Milk?

Yes, you most certainly can buy breast milk. Should you require someone else's milk other than your own (or should you find yourself unable to breastfeed), you can get breast milk from a number of different resources. There are free options, government funded options, and options that can range from manageable to expensive over time. How to Get Breast Milk for Free If you find yourself struggling with supply as a nursing mother, consider adapting your lifestyle to allow for a healthy boost in supply. You can even make a batch of delicious lactation cookies to make the process less tedious. If you feel like you've dried up too much, you … [Read more...]

What Are the Components of Breast Milk?

Just as every baby is different, so is the breast milk baby drinks. While the make-up of the milk changes every day with mom's diet, the basic components of breast milk stay the same. And while there are thousands of different components of breast milk, we'll cover some of the essentials. What Are the Components of Breast Milk? Water: Breast milk is approximately 88% water; all the other components are diffused into the water. Breast milk provides more than enough water for baby, and giving baby extra water is not only unnecessary, but potentially dangerous if baby drinks too much. Fat: Despite what you hear in popular media, some fat … [Read more...]

Breastfeeding vs Formula – Why the Great Debate?

If you've been on the internet for any short period of time, you've likely run into some type of debate, whether political, religious, moral or ethical. Sometimes these debates center over personal preferences and sometimes over the latest fads. And if you talk to any mother, usually the topic of breastfeeding vs formula crops up. Sometimes the conversation is held without condescension or rancor. But occasionally the tone of the conversation can turn into an all-out war, pitting mother against mother - all because of her choice of feeding baby. Why? Breastfeeding vs Formula - Why the Great Debate? Parenting doesn't come with a manual, … [Read more...]

Do I Need to Switch to Infant Formula for Colic?

Colic can be an extremely trying time during a newborn's life. Mothering a newborn can be overwhelming in the first place; adding extended periods of inconsolable crying from your baby adds a whole new dimension. Friends, family members, and acquaintances may offer advice and solutions, and one of them may be to stop breastfeeding and switch to infant formula for colic. But is that really necessary? What Is Colic? First, it's important to understand what colic is. It may be more accurate to talk about what it isn't, since colic doesn't really have a concrete definition, cause, or cure that applies to every instance. Colic can be thought … [Read more...]

What is Milk Made of?

Ever wonder on earth is milk made of? What is the difference between God-made breast milk and man-made formula? Take a look at what makes up our two choices for growing these precious little blessings. First off, breast milk is made up of more than 100 ingredients that just can’t be manufactured. Fats, proteins and carbohydrates among other health benefits compose what God made. Read the rest here: What's in a Milk? … [Read more...]