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Our Breast Advice: Breastfeeding, Antibiotics, & Fussy Babies

Breastfeeding Question:

Breastfeeding, Antibiotics, and Fussy Babies!.jpgSince I started on antibiotics for a sinus infection my twins have been fussy and having runny stools.  Any suggestions on how to soothe their tummies?

Breastfeeding Answer:

I would suggest mama taking high quality probiotics herself. Antibiotics kill off all bacteria – good and bad. Our bodies need good bacteria in our gut to stay “regulated.” A small amount of antibiotics can pass through breast milk (often not enough to cause worry). This could cause some of the good bacteria to die off in babies and cause runny stools. Also, the change in mom’s chemistry from the antibiotics can cause those changes. If mom gets her system back on track with probiotics, that can help the little ones get back on track as well. Some babies, depending on age, do well with infant probiotics. Be sure to talk with your health care provider first.

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Audra Michelle has been pregnant and/or breastfeeding for more than 6 years straight. Her first nursed for 15 months, her second for 14 months, and her third weaned at 27 months! Her first baby girl is thriving on breastmilk and will wean when she chooses.  Audra Michelle is a wife, mother, daughter, girlfriend, Jesus lover, and musician. You can find Audra Michelle blogging at UP and at Naturally Well.

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