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Breastfeeding, Essential Oils, and Safety

Essential oils are becoming extremely popular in both mainstream and natural health circles. Since it is a young field in the United States, it can be hard to find solid information. This can lead women to wonder how breastfeeding, essential oils, and safety mix.

What you need to know about breastfeeding, essential oils, and safety


Essential oils are highly potent substances, and our nursing babies have immature systems that are still developing. The safety of breastfeeding essential oils is a really important topic to consider!

There are many misconceptions about essential oils, so be sure to check the sources for any advice that you find on breastfeeding, essential oils, and safety. I’ve recently added this book to my collection and have found it extremely thorough and well-researched.

Breastfeeding, Essential Oils, and Safety Tips

  • Err on the side of greater dilution. Essential oils are typically applied topically in a carrier oil. When you are using an oil around an infant, a 1% dilution (or less) is preferred.
  • Apply essential oils to yourself after breastfeeding. This gives them time to be used by your body before being passed on to your baby. This is especially true if you are applying a product with essential oils to your breasts or nipples.
  • Never give your infant essential oils to ingest.
  • Avoid ingesting essential oils yourself while breastfeeding.

Choosing Essential Oils While Breastfeeding

Depending on the source, lists detailing what essential oils to avoid while breastfeeding will differ. Some oils that are commonly on the lists to avoid include, but are not limited to

  • Camphor (Cinnamomum camphora)
  • Pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium)
  • Sage (Salvia officinalis)
  • Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare)
  • Wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens)

One of the safest oils for a breastfeeding mother to use is lavender (Lavandula angustifolia). Other oils that may be considered are geranium (Pelargonium graveolens), Roman chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile), and fennel (Foeniculum vulgare var. dulce).

Alternatives to Essential Oils While Breastfeeding

Though targeted breastfeeding essential oils and essential oils in general offer many wonderful health benefits, other natural health alternatives may be better suited while breastfeeding.

Herbs are a wonderful way to get health benefits from plants without being concerned with the strong concentration of oils. Like oils, some herbs are better suited for breastfeeding than others. Herbal teas are a gentle and effective way to enjoy benefits of herbs, and those benefits will be passed to your baby through breast milk.

A healthy diet can also go a long way to prevent health issues while breastfeeding. Other healthy lifestyle habits like adequate rest, moderate exercise, and staying hydrated may seem to be easier said than done, but their benefits make them worth the effort.

Do you use essential oils while breastfeeding?

Sources for this post can be found here, here, here, here, and here.

Kristen is a Christian, wife to her high school sweetheart, and mother to a growing brood of sweet little people. She spends her days keeping the home, homeschooling, making real food, gardening, blogging, and working from home as a Lilla Rose consultant, often with a little person on her lap wanting to nurse. You can find her at Smithspirations and on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter.

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