I am pregnant with my fourth baby. I am very pregnant. I have done the thyroid disease and breastfeeding thing already and am trying to set myself up for the greatest success this time around by preparing during pregnancy.
Thyroid Disease Can Affect Pregnancy
Thyroid fluctuations are strongly tied to hormonal changes and weight changes. Pregnancy and childbirth bring about both. Thyroid issues in pregnancy and postpartum are quite common though not always identified or addressed by doctors. At the start of pregnancy, your doctor will likely check to make sure your thyroid is not sluggish. Hypothyroidism can contribute to miscarriage. If your results are normal, you likely will not be tested again.
If you suspect thyroid changes in pregnancy, simply ask your obstetrician to be tested again. Treatment is generally quite simple – a specific dose of thyroid hormone taken once daily is the most common. If you find that your thyroid levels are off, plan on being tested every 4 – 6 weeks to keep an eye on levels.
Thyroid Disease Can Affect Breastfeeding
Thyroid hormone is not just responsible for maintaining a pregnancy. These hormones also play into successful breastfeeding. When thyroid hormone levels are too high or two low, milk supply can falter. I learned this fact the hard way with my firstborn.
By keeping your thyroid levels optimal during pregnancy, you can set yourself up for success in breastfeeding. It generally takes 4 – 6 weeks for changes in thyroid levels to be detected in blood work. It takes about 3 weeks to really feel differently after adjusting levels. When your levels are kept in check during pregnancy, you will be less likely to experience major fluctuations postpartum.
Due to quick weight loss with the delivery of the baby, it is important to have your thyroid levels checked at your 6 week postpartum appointment if not sooner. The more quickly levels can be adjusted, the less your milk supply will be affected.
Postpartum Thyroiditis
Postpartum thyroiditis is a bit of a different animal. Because it most often resolves on its own after about a year from onset, many doctors do not feel it needs to be treated. I tend to disagree. The hormonal fluctuations can still affect milk supply for that year and could end up being the cause of early and unintentional weaning. If you find you have postpartum thyroiditis, be sure to be checked very frequently and realize that you may be in for many dose changes throughout that year. Note that about 20% of those with thyroiditis go on to have long lasting thyroid problems.
The key to managing thyroid disease and breastfeeding successfully starts in pregnancy. Take charge of your health. Ask your doctor if you should be tested for thyroid issues during pregnancy. Follow through with treatment and testing during pregnancy. Be sure to be tested postpartum as well!
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