It’s amazing how myths come about and get passed around. Many have been passed from generation to generation while some come about from misunderstandings of information being shared. Here are 5 breastfeeding myths I have come across recently.
5 Breastfeeding Myths
- I need to start boosting supply before baby is born or as soon as baby arrives. False. Some supplements that increase milk production may actually be harmful to a developing wee one or may cause contractions. Nipple stimulation or pumping can cause contractions as well. Nearly all moms will produce enough milk for baby if they feed on demand. Keep a close eye on diaper count as that is the best indicator of supply. A good lactation consultant can help you with proper latch and troubleshooting problems.
- I cannot swim when breastfeeding because the chlorine will go in my milk ducts and contaminate my milk. Go ahead and swim! You may want to rinse off your nipples if the chlorine or salt levels concern you. The biggest issues that arise from swimming and breastfeeding are: finding a swimsuit to fit your new shape, finding a way to nurse that makes you comfortable, potentially leaking milk might be embarrassing.
- I cannot drink any alcohol while breastfeeding. If you aren’t comfortable consuming alcohol and nursing, it is fine if you choose to abstain. If you choose to have a drink or two, that is fine too! The amount of alcohol that passes into breastmilk is very small and is usually around the level found in juice drinks sold legally as non alcoholic. The biggest concern with alcohol and breastfeeding is making sure you are safe to hold and care for baby.
- I cannot eat honey or peanut butter while breastfeeding. There are some foods that may make your baby more gassy. There are certainly babies with allergies to milk or other foods. Work with your health care provider to figure out what is causing baby distress and create a plan for care. The concern with honey has been that children under 1 should not eat honey. Read this post to learn why honey is perfectly safe while breastfeeding. Peanut butter is a highly allergenic food in children. Occasionally I have heard mothers be cautioned to avoid peanut butter, however, it is safe to breastfeed and eat peanut butter.
- Breastfeeding is natural so it will be easy. Thankfully for some, this is the case. Unfortunately, we only discover after the fact that breastfeeding isn’t always simple. Asking for help is a good thing. Anyone who has breastfed for longer than a few months has had a struggle of some sort. We are here to help. Peruse this website. Look for breastfeeding support groups. Find a La Leche League near you. Don’t try to do this alone!
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