My breastfeeding story took a turn that I never expected and had never heard of before. It all started the moment that I tasted a drop of my breast milk from a bottle that my daughter had refused to drink. Something was not right, and I was asking myself, “Why does my breast milk taste bad?”
Immediately, I started searching for answers online. My mind was racing. Was there something wrong with my freezer? Did all of the milk in my freezer taste like this? What is wrong with my breast milk???
Then I found the answer: I had excess lipase activity in my breast milk, which caused my expressed breast milk to develop a bad taste over time.
Lipase is an enzyme that is in the breast milk of all women. It helps break down the fats in the milk during digestion. My lipase was a bit over active and started to break down the fats in my refrigerator or freezer instead of waiting to break down the fats in my baby’s stomach.
The broken down fats made my breast milk taste awful. Other women with this same problem have described their milk as tasting soapy or metallic.
There are many things that can make your breast milk taste different:
- diet
- vitamins and supplements
- medication
Those things may make your breast milk taste different, but they shouldn’t make your breast milk taste horrible. However, excess lipase activity does cause a horrible taste.
Thankfully, there is a solution to excess lipase activity. Scalding your breast milk will stop the bad taste. I started scalding my breast milk and was able to rebuild my stash of frozen milk. I went on to nurse my daughter for nearly two years.
In the end, everything turned out fine, but in those first few weeks it was not fine. I cried a lot. I felt like I was the only one with this strange breastfeeding problem. I didn’t feel supported by the medical professionals around me. I was devastated.
I’ve taken my experience with excess lipase activity and turned it into an eBook to help educate and encourage other breastfeeding mothers.
If you are wondering why your breast milk taste bad, this book was written for you.
If you want someone to tell you exactly how to scald your breast milk, this book was written for you.
If you feel alone as you are dealing with this unique breast feeding problem, this book was written for you.
You are not alone, mama.
Click here to find out more information about the eBook. You’ll be able to take a look at the table of contents, read testimonials from other moms with excess lipase activity, and purchase the book. You won’t find this much information dedicated to excess lipase activity anywhere else.
[…] taste bad. – It is true! Pumped breast milk can develop a bad taste over time, which is caused by excess lipase activity. Thankfully, there are things you can do to stop the bad taste from forming. If you know you have […]