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Keeping Women Breastfeeding: How to Support a Breastfeeding Mother

Keeping Women Breastfeeding: How to Support a Breastfeeding Mother #support #mother #womenA few weeks ago I asked women on our Facebook page what the secret to their success was. You know what the most common answer was? Spousal support. Yes, you heard me right. The number one thing that keeps women breastfeeding is a supportive partner.

As a breastfeeding mother of two I happen to have had the pleasure of one badly supported experience and one really positive one. Though it’s important to seek support and surround yourself with those who want to help you succeed, a negative nursing atmosphere doesn’t always have to amount to failure. Because I personally understand how hard it can be to communicate the important things in those highly emotional first few weeks, this article is meant to be passed on to loved ones so that you may better persuade them to support you on your breastfeeding journey.

How to Support Women Breastfeeding

  • Research breastfeeding. Research oxytocin and the half-lives of breastfeeding hormones. Get to know what is physiologically going on with her body. Read breastfeeding books and go to classes with her.
  • Tell her you are proud of her every day. Tell her when she’s amazed by her body’s ability to provide vital nutrients to her new baby, and tell her when she is struggling with engorgement for the third time.
  • Pick up other duties. Babies eat a lot, but they also sleep a lot and poop a lot, too. Instead of thinking about all the feedings you’ve missed out on, take the opportunity to bond in a different way.
  • Encourage her to go out and see the world and develop a new routine. Help to normalize breastfeeding by being a voice for her in public, if necessary.
  • Do not offer formula. In fact, turn away all the free samples and disregard any suggestion of it from friends or family. (Donate it to a shelter.) Unless you’ve collectively discussed the baby’s needs with his or her pediatrician, do not suggest that the mother is doing something wrong.
  • Know when to get help and seek knowledgeable professionals. Get familiar with the lactation consultants in your area. Realize that it may take more than Google to correctly diagnose or solve a breastfeeding problem. If the new mom in your life is suffering from bleeding nipples, severe thrush, or latch difficulties it may be time to seek outside advice.

Most importantly, acknowledge mom’s sacrifice and commitment and be there for her no matter what.

Would you add anything to these suggestions on how to support women breastfeeding?

edited photo credit: Mothering Touch via photopin cc

Shary Lopez is a late-twenties, nerdy gal living in Tampa Bay. Her family consists of a bearded husband and two children: one eight-year-old daughter and one very adventurous toddler boy. As a childbirth junkie and breastfeeding advocate, Shary tries to lean her family towards natural living while still grasping onto convenience and frugality. You can find more of her writings on Shary's personal blog, Atta Mama. Shary is also on social networking sites such as FacebookTwitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.


  1. You can support a breastfeeding mother by not asking over and over when does she plan on stop breastfeeding or how long are you gonna breastfeed!? And please dont ever try to pressure into stop breastfeeding… just because you think it’s time. Breastfeeding is BEAUTIFUL!
    I love it!!!

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