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Disclaimer: The information in this post is for educational purposes only. I am not a doctor. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. None of the opinions are meant to diagnose or treat any disease or illness. You should always consult your healthcare provider.

5 Things You Should Know About Breastfeeding Twins

You're having multiples! Twins? Triplets? More? You're excited...or maybe you're terrified? I was the latter when that 10 week ultrasound showed two little bean-shaped babies on the screen. Two babies? What in the world would I do with two babies? I had two older boys. How would I manage to take care of them and two babies? That wasn't what I was bargaining for. How could I keep up? How could I nurse? I want to share with you some knowledge I think every pregnant mom of multiples should know about establishing a great breastfeeding relationship with her babies once they arrive! 1. NICU and Time away from Mom If you are having two or … [Read more...]

Twin Manibreasto Review

So you're pregnant and you just found out you're expecting twins. You intended on breastfeeding but are at a loss right now. How will you succeed? Where will you go to for advice? The Twin Manibreasto is a brand new book by Mercedes R. Donis, blogger at Project Procastinot. Twin Manibreasto is an inspirational eBook for all moms who are expecting twins and want to breastfeed, filled with experiential advice and lots of tips and tricks and reviews. As a first time mom to twins, Mercedes shares the highs and lows of attempting to breastfeed her two little ones. Read the full review at Authentic Parenting. … [Read more...]

5 Tips for Breastfeeding Twins

Is breastfeeding twins even possible? Yep - it absolutely is! And we're here to help you navigate these sometimes muddy waters. (Don't have twins but know someone who does? Share this with her - she'll be so encouraged!) Congratulations, It's Twins! I'd love to do a survey to find out how many parents hit the floor when finding out there is more than one baby growing inside the womb! I lost all feeling when the doctor announced, "Well, the good news is - it's triplets!" My hubby doesn't even remember sitting down! Then the questions start bubbling out, one on top of the other. You may be thinking: Will I have preemies? Will I … [Read more...]

Breastfeeding Twins Unassisted: What to Do When You Are All Alone

When I was pregnant with twins, I knew I wanted to breastfeed them but I wasn't sure how it would work logistically. Where would all those limbs go? How would I hold them? Keep them still? Burp them? What about when one needs a diaper change and the other wants to eat? I knew there would be help in the hospital, but once I took my bundles home, what would I do all alone with them? And is breastfeeding twins unassisted even possible? If you're expecting twins or just recently brought home a pair of squirming babes, you might be feeling a tad...overwhelmed. The first thing I want to say to you is, take heart! You can do it! Breastfeeding … [Read more...]