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Weaning a Two Year Old Child

Weaning a Two Year Old Child #weaning #toddler #extended breastfeedingWhen it came time to wean my 2 year old I found I was venturing into uncharted territory somewhat, as both my girls I’d weaned at 19 months. Suddenly I found I had a full little personality on my hands, who by 2 years old knew what he wanted, was fairly vocal about it, but was also a lovely affectionate little boy who enjoyed the connection with me.

I decided to take a gentle approach rather than completely stop overnight, and although it took a few months to transition, it was a comfortable process for us both.

My approach to weaning a two year old was:

  • Ensuring his nutritional needs were all adequately met;
  • Ensuring his emotional needs and connection with me was/is more than satisfied.

Read more at Homemaking With Heart.

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