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Disclaimer: The information in this post is for educational purposes only. I am not a doctor. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. None of the opinions are meant to diagnose or treat any disease or illness. You should always consult your healthcare provider.

Breastfeeding Snacks: Oatmeal Recipe Roundup

The first four weeks after my children were born, one of my favorite breastfeeding snacks was oatmeal. In many women, oatmeal is a galactagogue - a substance promoting the increased production of breast milk. Even though there is no definitive scientific evidence that oatmeal increases breast milk production, many women have personal stories about how their milk supply increased due to eating oatmeal. This could be due to the fact that oatmeal is a source of iron. If your iron levels are low, your milk supply can decrease. The other benefits of oatmeal are: it is high in fiber, helps lower cholesterol, and helps maintain a healthy … [Read more...]

Honey and Breastfeeding – Can I Eat Honey While Breastfeeding?

You may know that local raw honey is a wonderful supplement to help combat allergies, and you may also know that you should not give honey to infants under the age of 1. Since baby should not eat honey, should you? Is eating honey and breastfeeding a safe combination? Are honey and breastfeeding compatible? The answer is yes, you can safely eat honey while breastfeeding. The concern with honey and infants is botulism. According to Infant, honey is occasionally known to contain spores of a bacterium known as Clostridium botulinum. If a baby happened to ingest raw honey that contained these spores, the spores could … [Read more...]

10 Quick Snacks for Breastfeeding Moms

Whether you are nursing a newborn or an older baby, you will notice your desire for snacks will increase. That's because you need to eat an extra 500 calories to maintain your milk supply. It is a good idea to have healthy snacks for breastfeeding moms on hand so you are less tempted to reach for something that may be full of empty calories. Some of these snacks may require some prep from you, but with a little effort you can have a fridge stocked with simple snacks you can grab and eat! Quick and Healthy Snacks for Breastfeeding Moms Yogurt - Yogurt is a yummy treat that is packed with calcium and probiotics. If you need some extra … [Read more...]

Beer and Breastfeeding – Does Drinking Beer Increase Breast Milk Supply?

When my friend Andrea was breastfeeding her littlest, I remember the struggle she had to keep up her milk supply. She tried breastfeeding tea, and tripled her water consumption. She rested more and added brewer's yeast to her oatmeal. She also tried something I'd never heard of as a mama of five: she tried drinking a glass of beer. What is the deal with beer and breastfeeding? Now in my friend's case, as it has any time she's tried to drink it, drinking beer gave her nothing more than an upset tummy. She's not a fan of the malty brew, and that didn't change as she sipped, then gulped once or twice, then sipped again. In her case, she … [Read more...]

Nicotine and Breastfeeding

I'm going to assume that if you're reading this it is because a baby you love is being breastfed by a mother addicted to nicotine. Nicotine addiction isn't something to be written off lightly. It is a serious flaw in our society and it is a very hard addiction to shake. Though nicotine and breastfeeding should not go hand in hand, we do not live in a perfect world. In this article I want to give you some support for deciding to breastfeed your baby despite your addiction. I would also like to offer encouragement for quitting. Nicotine and Breastfeeding - Support and Encouragement I have recently made the journey from smoker to non-smoker. … [Read more...]

Breast Milk: Drinking Energy Drinks and the Impact on Your Milk

When it comes to providing the most nutritious breast milk, drinking certain beverages has been done under a watchful eye. Although coffee can be known to cause fussiness in newborns, drinking caffeine is perfectly fine in most cases. Not everyone is a fan of coffee throughout the day. Some people prefer a colder, carbonated energy drink or the quick effects from a concentrated dose. I've researched this and below is a break down of the unique compositions of popular energy brands and how they work. Whether or not they will affect your baby is a personal judgement call. Top 3 Energy Drinks Red Bull has all the usual stuff inside. … [Read more...]

Recipes and Tips for Breastfeeding and Paleo

Are you considering a Paleo approach to your eating as a breastfeeding mom? Have you looked into this lifestyle as a way to improve your own health and wonder how to approach it while nursing your baby? We introduced the idea in this article where I determined that breastfeeding and Paleo can definitely be compatible, and today I'd like to share some tips with you on incorporating the Paleo eating plan into your breastfeeding lifestyle, as well as give you some yummy recipes to get started! Breastfeeding and Paleo - Getting Started Any lifestyle/diet change can seem overwhelming at first. If you're new to the Paleo mindset, do some research … [Read more...]

Brewers Yeast, Breastfeeding and Cookies

What if someone told you that a few simple ingredients inside of a warm cookie or a delicious smoothie could actually help you make more mommy milk for that sweet baby of yours? Enter brewers yeast: breastfeeding moms' new friend! There are several ways you can increase your milk supply while breastfeeding, which includes everything from drinking water and Gatorade to taking supplements designed for lactating mothers. Sometimes though, we need an extra dose of yummy goodness to help us get through our busy and hectic day as a new mom. So how about some cookies or a refreshing smoothie? Brewers yeast is a highly nutritious … [Read more...]

Breastfeeding and Paleo Diet (Part 1)

Over the past year, I've done some foray into the world of Paleo-style eating. If you aren't familiar with "Paleo" or "Primal" lifestyle, a quick internet search will reveal that it's a philosophy of getting "back to our roots" by eating no grains and refined foods, and focusing on high-quality fruits and vegetables, meat, nuts, and seeds. The recommendations are based on studies and anecdotal evidence that these foods are best absorbed and processed for optimal health. There are as many interpretations of the Paleo Diet as there are eaters, some who also include raw or grass-fed organic dairy products. While I don't personally agree with … [Read more...]

Breastfeeding and Weight Loss Questions Answered

Breastfeeding and weight loss - what is the best way to lose weight while breastfeeding? And how long will it take? It's difficult to avoid social pressure to lose your baby weight in "x" amount of time. How many times have you seen grocery store line tabloids ranting about how so and so has a baby bump and MUST be expecting even though they are only a few months postpartum? It didn't even take 5 months for the rumor mill to start penning headlines about the Duchess of Cambridge's lithe figure betraying the growth of a new little one!! It may come as a shock to them, but sometimes it takes a bit for that weight to come off - even with … [Read more...]