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Myth Busters: Will Pumping Show You How Much Breast Milk You Have?

(Editor's Note: During the month of May, Breastfeeding Place contributors will be sharing posts that address common breastfeeding myths. We sincerely hope this will be an enlightening and helpful series!)   It is common for new breastfeeding moms to question whether or not they are making enough milk for their baby. Breast milk is so mysterious. The new baby is breastfeeding for the first time and he or she may not give you all the information you need to gauge satisfactory output. However, pumping is not an accurate measurement method.   Clues That Baby is Getting Enough The number one way to tell if your baby is … [Read more...]

Breast Pump Review: Ameda Purely Yours

When it comes to breastfeeding products, there's a ton of different types and brands out there to choose from. Whether you're looking for the perfect pair of nursing pads or the prettiest nursing cover around, chances are you might feel a bit overwhelmed with all of the choices you have. The same is SO true for breast pumps: a device that is perhaps the most coveted product among breastfeeding mamas. There are numerous brands and types of pumps available for mamas to utilize and try and there are likely a ton of reviews out there (that's a great thing!). Today we are going to take a look at the Ameda Purely Yours Double Electric Pump with … [Read more...]