Six weeks after my daughter was born, I went back to work at the hospital PRN (two shifts every 28 days). Doing this was one of the hardest things I have done. My daughter was still a newborn, but because of finances it had to be done. When I went back to work, I was thankful for the Affordable Care Act (ACA) because it improved breastfeeding laws for me and women all across the country. One of the most important sections of the law required the hospital I worked at to provide a break time and a room for employees to pump their breast milk. Workplace Breastfeeding Laws The ACA was passed by Congress on March 21, 2010. On March … [Read more...]
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Constipation in Breastfed Babies: One Mother’s Experience
If you've spent any time in breastfeeding message boards, you have heard the typical lines about constipation in breastfed babies - it can't happen. Just wait it out. It's normal for baby to go up to 2 weeks between poops because breastmilk is such perfect nutrition there simply isn't any waste. Well, that's true, except when it isn't. I was one of those moms who would say those things. I mean, I had been through three children - 2 of them completely breastfed and one with partial formula. I thought I knew it all. I had spent lots of time on message boards and blogs. Any mention of giving juice or water or suppositories for constipation … [Read more...]
Normal Problems While Breastfeeding Your Newborn
Okay mamas, let's all face it, breastfeeding really isn't the easiest thing in the world. Sometimes breastfeeding is so difficult in those first several weeks that once you overcome it you feel like you deserve a medal, twenty four hours worth of uninterrupted sleep, and a glass of wine. But let's get real here, there's no breastfeeding medals or trophies, the idea of uninterrupted sleep is laughable, and wine doesn't exactly mix well with breastfeeding. Breastfeeding can be difficult those first several weeks primarily because of the problems that can come up. So what are normal problems while breastfeeding your … [Read more...]
Stopping Breastfeeding Cold Turkey
For a variety of reasons, you may find yourself in a position where stopping breastfeeding cold turkey is your only option. I have been in this position, and while nothing can quite exactly prepare you for it, there are tips on how to make the pain and engorgement manageable. After the birth of my firstborn, I found that breastfeeding was going well, but my daughter also took a bottle so I was not exclusively using the breast. I was feeling pretty good over all, until around 4 weeks postpartum when I had a terrible IC flare up. (If you have not heard of IC, here is a short description: Interstitial cystitis is a painful bladder … [Read more...]
The Unstoppable Breast: Leaking Milk
When it comes to breastfeeding, your breasts do some crazy things until a solid routine is established. Some women find themselves beginning to leak before their baby is born. Others simply have complaints months after their little one makes an appearance. As with most things related to child rearing, everyone is different. A breast leaking milk does not always have to mean anything other than your body is doing exactly what it's supposed to. Leaky Breasts Help Prevent Engorgement Engorgement is a terrible, horrible place to be. It's a problem that's quickly solved by getting rid of the stored up milk reserves. If you're unable to … [Read more...]
A Flexible Baby Weaning Schedule for Toddlers
So, your toddler has been eating table food and drinking from a cup for a while. Maybe you're expecting your next baby, or you're just ready to stop nursing, but your little one is still asking for the breast multiple times per day. What does a baby weaning schedule look like for a toddler? I have now successfully weaned two children during the toddler years. Both times I weaned because I was expecting a new baby and the pain from nursing was too much for me. I have a very flexible baby weaning schedule that I follow in order to wean my toddlers. I am not strict about weaning, and the process has always been very gradual for me, … [Read more...]
The Benefits of Breastfeeding Support Groups
When you are a first time mom, there are so many things that you just don't fully understand or things that you simply do not know because you are new to all things parenthood. Many of these things will come to you naturally. Your maternal instincts will kick in and you will just follow them intuitively. Others will come because you have great examples to model--your mother, grandmother, friends, sisters. Sometimes despite all of this, you still may need or want a group of like-minded women to help you along the way. Sometimes you may find yourself with little support due to differing parenting ideals, lack of family nearby, or a … [Read more...]
Breastfeeding 101: Five Great Benefits For Baby
One of the greatest reassurances a mother has when choosing to breastfeed is the number of benefits of breastfeeding for baby. Breastfeeding your baby is not only natural, it is designed by nature to be the best source of nutrition for your baby. Mothers can confidently feed their babies breast milk and know that it is benefiting both of them in a multitude of ways. Let's take a look at a few of the benefits of breastfeeding. Breastfeeding 101: Five Great Benefits For Baby Breast milk is the perfect nutrition for babies. Breast milk is the perfect combination of protein, healthy fats, and calories for a growing infant. … [Read more...]
Breastfeeding While Sick
Morning fog and crisp red leaves. Autumn is officially here. Stores are stocked with apple cider, throw blankets and cough drops. On the mornings where the temperature is a cool 48 degrees, all that is wanted is to snuggle with your warm little baby, while breastfeeding. But what happens when sickness strikes? Breastfeeding while sick? Is this a good idea? These are questions every new mother asks. Did you know that breastfeeding while sick, provides baby with much needed antibodies found in breast milk? Top 3 Questions Mothers Ask 1. Will baby get sick? Before symptoms surfaced, baby has already been exposed. Remember your body is … [Read more...]
Weaning to Get Pregnant – and the Guilt We Feel
The breastfeeding relationship between a mother and a child is perhaps one of the most beautiful and sacred of bonds. It's an experience like no other, but like most good things, there is eventually an end to it. Weaning is the sad end to that beautiful journey. It isn't easy - and weaning to get pregnant isn't any easier. Trying to wean a baby who shows no signs of truly wanting to wean is one way to really make a mama feel guilty. I know because I have been there. Most mamas set a goal for the breastfeeding relationship, say one year for example, and other mamas have no goal. I was the mother with the goal; I thought a year sounded … [Read more...]