If you are in the market for a breast pump, you may be overwhelmed with all of the types, prices, and styles on the market. Today I am going to do a review of the Medela Pump in Style. I hope you find it informative! Breastfeeding Pump Reviews - Medela's Pump in Style When I first purchased a breast pump, I purchased a hand pump, mostly because of the cost. It was well under $100.00, and I was hoping that it would do the trick. I am kind of old-school. For example, I like to write on a large calendar, rather than create one online, read my news from a newspaper rather than an app, and I thought a manual breast pump would be for … [Read more...]
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Disclaimer: The information in this post is for educational purposes only. I am not a doctor. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. None of the opinions are meant to diagnose or treat any disease or illness. You should always consult your healthcare provider.
Fairhaven Health Nursing Mothers’ Giveaway!
Fairhaven Health is a company devoted to supporting families from the very beginning. From fertility information to pregnancy supplements to breastfeeding products, Fairhaven has this baby-making thing figured out! And they've graciously sponsored a giveaway for our loyal readers! One winner will receive one each of the following: Milkies Milk-Saver: This thing is a lifesaver for many new moms. You simply slip it under your shirt over the breast you're not feeding your baby with and with little effort you're stockpiling that freezer like nobody's business! You can read my review of the Milk-Saver here on my blog. Milkies Milk … [Read more...]
Choosing Bottles for Your Breastfed Baby
Deciding on the right time to introduce a bottle to your breastfed baby is not only a tricky situation, but also sometimes a scary situation. Will my baby prefer the bottle over me? Will my baby never latch on to me again? Will my baby like this particular bottle? What if my baby never takes a bottle? These are just a few of the questions that you might have when you decide it's time to attempt to give baby a bottle of expressed breast milk. Choosing bottles for your breastfed baby is actually a tad bit harder than it sounds. But it is doable! Here are some basic tips. You Don't Need A Lot of Bottles At First While … [Read more...]
All About Nursing Pads
I will never forget the first trip we made to the mall as new parents. We had our (nursing) newborn little boy in arms, and we were joined by visiting family who were less-than-familiar with the breastfeeding life. Of course, I myself was new to this whole breastfeeding thing, but leaky bosoms and all, I was determined to "get out" and enjoy time with family. When our little man began to fuss to be fed, I plunked down on a bench and tried to "be subtle" as we wrestled into position. Less than sure how to act about this new-to-them normal, my sweet family members headed off to a store to give us some space. When they returned, I was all … [Read more...]
6 Choices for Best Breast Feeding Bottle
When babies are born I generally tell moms to not sweat the small stuff; babies need two things - love and boobs. When planning to breastfeed a bottle may not come up on your list of things to get for your new little one. However, after a while introducing a bottle is not a bad idea. There are plenty of times where bottle feeding can come in handy such as date night or returning to work. Whichever lifestyle is right for you as a breastfeeding mother, keeping that bond is important when choosing a breast feeding bottle to incorporate. This list is composed of the most common choices for breastfeeding moms in no particular order. Each … [Read more...]
10 Breastfeeding Pillow Options for the Nursing Mama
I am currently nursing my fourth child. He is 13 months old, full of energy, and still breastfeeding like a champ. Throughout the years, I've come to fine tune my nursing regime, so to speak. I know what works and what doesn't and I have always said that my breastfeeding pillow was my top favorite nursing accessory. I've used mine with every child and for extended periods of time. I will be sad when I no longer need one because I have weaned my last nursling. I thought it would be helpful to expecting mamas to compile a list of the available options for nursing pillows. You have a great variety of choices and you really can't go wrong … [Read more...]
Ameda Purely Yours Breast Pump Review
With my first child, I had a manual breast pump, but 12 months after buying it, the pump broke. We did not have the funds to buy a replacement breast pump with our second child. Thankfully, I was given an Ameda Purely Yours Breast Pump as a gift. Top 4 reasons I recommend the Ameda Purely Yours Breast Pump: It is a closed system. A closed system is designed so that breast milk never touches the pump tubing or motor. In open systems, there is risk of mold contamination, since breast milk can get inside the tubing. Ameda Purely Yours Breast Pump has an airlock barrier, using a silicone diaphraghm, which protects breast milk from mold and … [Read more...]
The Great Mama’s Milk Giveaway – $1,400+ in Prizes
Welcome to the Great Mama's Milk Giveaway coordinated by Measuring Flower! This is a HUGE giveaway event that will be awarding two lucky winners some amazing breastfeeding and pumping supplies with a total value of more than $1,400! Read on below to discover what these incredible prizes are and enter towards the bottom of this post. The Grand Prize Pack This prize pack, consisting of $1,130 in prizes, will be awarded to ONE super lucky winner. Below is a list of each of the prizes. Spectra S1 Double Breast Pump--$319.99 Value Dairy Fairy Arden All-in-One Hands Free Nursing and Pumping Bra--$68 Value Pumpin' Pal Set of Three … [Read more...]
How to Make Your Own Breast Pads
For most breastfeeding women, nursing pads are a necessity. Leaking happens. We've all wanted to keep from being embarrassed by having a wet shirt, so breast pads can become one of our new best friends. The cost of disposable breast pads adds up, plus they can be uncomfortable. Buying reusable breast pads requires an upfront cost, and for some women, the pads can be too small. What's the solution to spending a lot of money on breast pads? Make your own breast pads. Making your own breast pads is simple, cheap, and eco-friendly. Supplies needed to make your own breast pads Fabric (you can use a lot of different kinds; I've put some … [Read more...]
Which Breast Milk Storage Bottles are Best?
You've picked out your pump (a monumental task, for sure!). You've washed all the cute onesies. You're pretty much ready to go...oh, wait! Did you remember to pick up some of those breast milk storage bottles? You have to pump into something, right? But...which are the best? Whether you're planning to exclusively pump or just pump for an "every now and then" bottle, you'll want to have a few (or many!) storage containers in which to refrigerate that liquid gold. Breast Milk Storage Bottles - Tips and Suggestions Many companies make breast milk storage bottles. Most choices will be determined mostly by preference. But here are a few … [Read more...]