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Disclaimer: The information in this post is for educational purposes only. I am not a doctor. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. None of the opinions are meant to diagnose or treat any disease or illness. You should always consult your healthcare provider.

Why I’m Done With Cheap Nursing Bras

There are so many expenses when a new baby arrives, especially with your first child. Car seats, diapers, clothing, baby carriers, nursery items, and more abound. It can be so tempting for the breastfeeding mom to settle for cheap nursing bras so that money can be spent on other things! Yes, that was me.  In fact, I'm almost embarrassed to admit that it took me five babies to finally give up my cheap nursing bra habit. For nine years I couldn't justify spending more than $20 on such a small amount of fabric! But you know what? By the fifth time around I finally decided that I'm done buying and using cheap nursing bras. They are a pain. … [Read more...]

Bottle Feeding Breast Milk to Baby

Deciding on when to begin bottle feeding breast milk to your baby is a hard decision. Some mothers are unsure about whether or not they want their child to receive milk from a source other than mother's breasts; and then some are nervous that attempting to bottle feed may interfere with the nursing relationship. When it comes to bottle feeding breast milk to your baby, you should first consider why you are wanting to do it in the first place. Rather than bottle feeding breast milk because of outside pressure, have a good idea of why you want to offer breast milk bottles to your baby. Some Reasons for Bottle Feeding Breast Milk To … [Read more...]

Making Your Own Breastfeeding Necklace

There are a variety of teething and breastfeeding, or nursing, necklaces available nowadays. If your little one likes to play with your shirt, your nose, or your other breast, you may want to look at a breastfeeding necklace as a way to occupy little hands. For me, it's also a way to get my nursling to focus and calm down. She likes to play around with it and will eventually fall asleep holding it. The Makings of a Breastfeeding Necklace Some necklaces are wood, others crocheted, some silicone, and yet others made of food grade plastics. While there are several designs and styles on the market, if you can tie a knot, you can create your own … [Read more...]

9 Reasons Why a SAHM Should Consider Pumping Breast Milk

It may seem like a silly question. Why should stay-at-home moms consider pumping breast milk? After all, they are home all day to take care of their children. Why would they ever need to pump? In reality, there are plenty of reasons why stay-at-home-moms may consider pumping breast milk. 9 Reasons Why a SAHM Should Consider Pumping Breast Milk 1. Babysitters - Sure your job is to be at home taking care of your children, but you don't want to be locked in your house forever! Sooner or later mama is going to want to have a break, a girls' night, a date night, or a trip to Target all by herself. Can you hear the angels singing? Taking some … [Read more...]

Breast vs. Bottle Feeding

We know that breast is best -- but do we know why? If you compare breast vs. bottle feeding, which one comes out on top? Let's take a look at the two to see the pros and cons. Breast vs. Bottle Feeding - Which is Best and Why? Convenience: In terms of convenience, breast will always come out on top -- for the mom, anyway. For a caregiver, they will need to heat up a bottle, whether it's full of breast milk or formula. However, anyone can give a baby a bottle. Cost: Breast milk is free! However, if you're not hand-expressing your milk, you will have to pay for a pump, plus the bottles and storage containers, and possibly even the breast … [Read more...]

How to Make a Cute Nursing Cover {Nursing Cover Tutorial}

Recently, a post on the blog, and another one on the Breastfeeding Place Facebook page, stirred up quite a discussion. Should you wear a nursing cover? Does it make you a nursing-nazi not to? Does wearing a nursing cover mean you're giving in to someone else's opinion about how you feed your baby? Although I'm now, in some ways, an "older mama," I remember well the moments of having a newborn and wishing my ever-so-social little one wouldn't pop away mid-guzzle to smile at a stranger, spraying milk and exposing me to the world. From that moment on, I knew I would use a nursing cover, at least with my more outgoing little ones, when nursing … [Read more...]

Should I Use a Baby Nursing Cover When Breastfeeding in Public?

Breastfeeding is a very personal thing between a mother and baby. There is so much love and bonding that happens when breastfeeding that it's quite hard to describe sometimes. But when out in public it becomes less personal as others are able to see what you are doing and possibly talk to you or ask questions about it. So you may be questioning whether or not you want to use a baby nursing cover when breastfeeding in public. Just like breastfeeding is a personal decision, so is the decision to use a nursing cover when breastfeeding in public. You have to decide what works best for you. I personally used a nursing cover quite often, while … [Read more...]

Freemie Hands-Free Pumping System Giveaway

I'm excited to bring you all this great giveaway for a Freemie Hands-Free Pumping System (a $160 value). This seems like a great product on the market that would be a huge help to a lot of mamas. Read on to see all the details and enter the giveaway below! A few months ago, a friend emailed me (Nissa from Cloth Diaper Guru blog) a link to a new product: Freemie hands-free pumping system for breastfeeding mothers. I was a seasoned, working and pumping mom and this was something new. I shared the link with a few of my followers and there was a huge interest in this product. While there are plenty of breast pumps on the market, Freemie is … [Read more...]

Breastfeeding Scarf: Our Favorite New Accessory

I admit it, I'm not the most fashion-forward mother in the world. I don't wear make-up, I rarely do anything special with my hair, and you're lucky if I bust out my boots in winter (instead of my toe socks and flip-flops). However, I'm a sucker for staying warm. Winter can be tricky because you want to wear clothes that make it easy to get to your breasts for a feeding, but you are also trying to bundle up so the least amount of your skin is showing. That's exactly why the functionality of the infinity scarf had me hooked. It should be renamed the breastfeeding scarf. What is the infinity scarf? Imagine a long loop. This can be a crocheted … [Read more...]

Breastfeeding Pumps: Which Ones Suck The Most?

Having trouble deciding which of the breastfeeding pumps are right for you? Let's take a good luck at what is available and see if we can narrow down the options and explain each type in better detail. There are two types of breast pumps: manual and electric. A manual breast pump is one that requires the use of your hands, and good old elbow grease. Although I can say that it does not require large amounts of force and strength in order to use manual breast pumps. Electric breast pumps, however, are operated by utilizing a plug or a battery of sorts. Which one you purchase depends highly on one major factor: why you are needing it in … [Read more...]