It seems like when a woman has a new baby, she is suddenly presented with an onslaught of people who want to be helpful by offering their advice! The problem is that not all of their input is very educated! It doesn't matter if it's a friend who is trying to be helpful, her mother or mother-in-law, or Great Aunt Sue. One of the most frequent things a new mom hears when putting her baby to breast is, "Again?! He just ate a half hour ago! Your frequent nursing must mean you don't have enough milk." When pregnant moms picture caring for their infants, they often picture the baby waking up to nurse every three to four hours, and dozing off … [Read more...]
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Disclaimer: The information in this post is for educational purposes only. I am not a doctor. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. None of the opinions are meant to diagnose or treat any disease or illness. You should always consult your healthcare provider.
Essential Oils to Increase Breast Milk Supply
Essential oils can be mighty tools in our mom tool chests. I use them for all sorts of things including boo-boo's, cleaning, and cooking. Did you know that there are essential oils to increase breast milk supply? Essential oils work a little differently than the medications or remedies we may be familiar with. Oils support the body in functioning at homeostasis - at balance. We are meant to feed our babies, so essential oils can support us in adequately feeding them. When choosing a brand of oil, pay close attention to the quality. Because oils affect every cell in the body within minutes of use, it is important to get the best you … [Read more...]
How To Produce Breast Milk When Your Supply Drops
So, you started out breastfeeding your baby and built up your supply. Everything was going well, but now you feel like your supply is dropping and you're wondering how to produce breast milk that is plentiful enough to keep your baby satisfied. Breastfeeding is all about supply and demand. If you are not putting baby to the breast, or regularly pumping, your supply will drop. Maybe you've started letting your baby have more bottles, maybe baby is now eating solids, whatever the reason, there are a few things you can do to get your supply back up. How to Produce Breast Milk When Your Supply Drops Eat Enough Calories As busy … [Read more...]
Ways to Increase Breast Milk Supply
When it comes to breastfeeding, one of the biggest fears that a mother can have is whether or not she will make enough milk to nourish her baby. Sometimes it is hard to know whether or not we are making enough, especially if there is no pumping involved in the breastfeeding relationship. Chances are, you're making just what your little one needs. However, there are some instances and scenarios where you may feel the need to increase breast milk supply. Aside from low milk production in general, mothers can run into unforeseen problems that can cause a dip in milk supply. Anything from catching a bad cold or the flu to taking certain … [Read more...]
Breastfeeding Cookies
As a doula I am constantly being asked for ways to increase milk supply. There are a ton of anecdotal ways to try to do this. I was VERY excited to hear about Breastfeeding Cookies! These have nutritionally dense ingredients as well as a kicker for your milk supply. AND the rest of the family can eat them, too. [Click to read more] … [Read more...]
Do I Have Enough Breast Milk? 5 Signs That You Do!
It's certain that one of the first things most breastfeeding mothers are concerned about is whether or not that precious baby of theirs is really plumping up on mama's milk alone. I mean, it's completely understandable to be concerned about this since our breasts are not transparent, nor do they come with tiny amount markers on each one to let us know how much baby is taking in each feeding. But, is there a way to really know for sure how your baby is faring? If you're curious about whether or not you have enough breast milk for you little one, I'm here to say that you can absolutely know if your baby is thriving by looking at a few key … [Read more...]
5 Ways to Produce More Breast Milk
Breastfeeding, though the most natural way to feed a baby, doesn't always come easily to every mother. There are a myriad of factors that can contribute to a nursing mother experiencing difficulty when she needs to produce more breast milk. Having a low supply can be both frustrating and discouraging, but there are several ways to encourage your body to kick into gear and provide the nutrition that your baby needs. A mother may also merely want to produce more breast milk in order to build up a supply for her freezer for later use. In either of these situations, a woman may need some help getting the boost in production that she is looking … [Read more...]
Anna Naturals: Organic Fenugreek Nursing Tea
There comes a time when a mom may need a little more help establishing a good milk supply. Or she may just be looking for something healthy to drink, rather than drinking water all day. Enter Anna Naturals Organic Fenugreek Nursing Tea. I've tried various brands of nursing teas, and to be honest, I was completely turned off by them because of their taste. Some of them have anise in them which gives it more of a black licorice flavor and smell, and I am not a fan of black licorice. The Anna Naturals organic fenugreek nursing tea ingredients are simple: Organic whole fenugreek seed, organic rooibos, pineapple, apple, rosehips, lemon … [Read more...]
Do Herbs Increase Breast Milk? 5 Lactogenic Herbs and Their Benefits
Have you ever wondered how herbs increase breast milk supply? Lactogenic herbs are very popular among breastfeeding moms who worry about their milk supply and whether or not their baby is getting enough milk. Aside from practices like constant nursing, skin-to-skin contact, and relaxation, there are many nursing mothers that use lactogenic herbs to increase breast milk supply. Herbs should be taken in moderation to avoid any potential side effects that would make you and your baby feel uncomfortable. . Fenugreek Fenugreek is one of the most common remedies used to increase milk supply and has been used for centuries. It may take a few … [Read more...]
6 Tips on How to Increase Breast Milk Without Supplementing
Have you ever wondered how to increase breast milk without supplementing? There are several things that you can do to increase your breast milk. The most important thing to remember is that most of the time supply equals demand. 1. Nurse more frequently Putting your baby to breast more often signals your body to make more milk. Feed your child on demand and let them nurse even if they seem like they're only doing it for comfort. Don't cut out any feedings (obviously). 2. Pump after feeding If you're able to, try pumping for a few minutes after baby is done feeding. Don't force your baby to stop feeding; let them signal when they're … [Read more...]