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Disclaimer: The information in this post is for educational purposes only. I am not a doctor. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. None of the opinions are meant to diagnose or treat any disease or illness. You should always consult your healthcare provider.

When Feeding Expressed Breast Milk Wasn’t the Plan

Some moms give birth and are excited to begin pumping and feeding expressed breast milk to their little ones. Others, however, find themselves unexpectedly pumping and giving their milk by tube, cup, bottle or via a supplemental nursing system. This can be a confusing and, possibly, disappointing time for someone who expected to be breastfeeding. For those of you who were thrust into pumping, here are some tips to help you be successful in giving this liquid gold to your little one. Pumping Expressed Breast Milk Many moms are confused by the seemingly unending row of breast pumps in the store: Which one is right for you? Should you … [Read more...]

Mother Donates Thousands of Ounces of Breast Milk, Part 2

If you missed the first part of this story - how this mother has donated thousands of ounces of breast milk, you can read it here. Mother Donates Thousands of Ounces of Breast Milk - and How You Can, Too! In what ways has this been a rewarding experience for you? There are not enough words to describe how rewarding the experience has been for me over the past 16 months. The honor of helping three Minnesota families has been amazing. Having the ability to help is indescribable, I’ve even donated to people I’ve never met! I sent three dry ice packages down to the victims of the 2013 Moore, Oklahoma tornados through the Eat on Feets - OK … [Read more...]

Mother Donates Thousands of Ounces of Breast Milk, Part 1

Lisa’s story caught my eye in a cloth diaper group recently when she shared her bittersweet moment of the last few ounces of milk she will be donating. In total, this mother donated over 5,000 ounces of life giving breast milk to three families providing valuable nutrition that can not be beat. Today she is sharing her story with us. Mother Donates Thousands of Ounces of Breast Milk What made you decide to donate breast milk? The nurses in the NICU were my tipping point. I had an oversupply with my daughter due to her NICU hospitalization and took well to pumping. We eventually used up my freezer stash with her when I returned to work, … [Read more...]

My Experience with Hyperlactation

People always hear about women who have issues with not being able to produce enough breast milk for their baby. But did you know that there is a condition that is completely opposite of this? It's called hyperlactation and it's exactly as it sounds--a woman hyper lactates, or produces TOO much milk. Read about TJ's experience with this rare issue and learn how her story went (and what she did with the excess milk). … [Read more...]

Best Practice for Pumping and Storing Breast Milk

By now you must be aware of how awesome your body is at keeping up with your baby's needs! Assuming you continue to create a demand for milk, your breasts will continue to supply the awesome nutrition that your baby needs until he or she weans. This isn't always done through the tap, however. Oftentimes mothers find themselves pumping and storing breast milk for various reasons. Whether it be to keep up with a NICU baby or so that mom can return to work, there are several things to take into account when pumping and storing breast milk for your baby. Supply & Demand Breastfeeding is supply and demand. That means that the more of a … [Read more...]

Milk Banking – the New, Old Story

Have you struggled with milk production? Or just with breastfeeding in general? Maybe you were on the opposite side of the scale and you have had an abundance of milk! Read about my struggles and experience with milk donation, milk banking and all the taboos that come with it . . . Milk – the New, Old Story   … [Read more...]

How to Pump Long-Term Successfully

Isn't it funny how our plans can change once our little one(s) is here? I know mamas who had absolutely no desire to breastfeed, but decided to breastfeed once their baby was born. Or mothers who were adamant about breastfeeding but, because of a collision of circumstances, found joy in giving a bottle. Others plan to pump for "just a little while" but soon find themselves flying right past original goals and wanting to pump long-term. If you're a mama who's chosen to pump long-term for whatever reason, you'll find many helpful tips for getting started with pumping n my post, 20 Tips for Pumping Breast Milk. Once you've gotten your body … [Read more...]

Breastfeeding Cookies

As a doula I am constantly being asked for ways to increase milk supply. There are a ton of anecdotal ways to try to do this. I was VERY excited to hear about Breastfeeding Cookies! These have nutritionally dense ingredients as well as a kicker for your milk supply. AND the rest of the family can eat them, too. [Click to read more] … [Read more...]

How to Donate Breast Milk

Many people don't realize that they can donate their breast milk to help babies in need. It is really a pretty simple process, but some forethought does need to go into it. This post explains how to find a local milk bank and details the process from start to finish to donate your breast milk. Read more at...How to Donate Breast Milk Sharing at My Joy-Filled Life. … [Read more...]

Freemie Hands-Free Pumping System Giveaway

I'm excited to bring you all this great giveaway for a Freemie Hands-Free Pumping System (a $160 value). This seems like a great product on the market that would be a huge help to a lot of mamas. Read on to see all the details and enter the giveaway below! A few months ago, a friend emailed me (Nissa from Cloth Diaper Guru blog) a link to a new product: Freemie hands-free pumping system for breastfeeding mothers. I was a seasoned, working and pumping mom and this was something new. I shared the link with a few of my followers and there was a huge interest in this product. While there are plenty of breast pumps on the market, Freemie is … [Read more...]